Early Modern Spain

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Translations Database: How to use the Database


The database is searchable through a series of indexes. Click on the ‘Select an Index’ pick list and choose which one you want to use in order to interrogate the data.

The two most important indexes are:

There are a number of other indexes as well. The database can also be searched according to:

Understanding the display of the records and other information

Text Records

Beneath the short title, displayed in bold at the top of the page, are a series of tabs, labelled – Title Page, Publication Details, Dedication, Bibliographical, Additional Information and People. Click through them to find out more about the translation.

People Records

The name is displayed in authority form at the top of the page in bold. Below are further details about that person, their use of a pseudonym, the name transcribed from the text(s) if different, information about how that person has been identified and so forth. Below the texts in the database associated with that individual are listed. Clicking on them takes you to the corresponding text record(s).

Some users may notice that a number of the fields are empty at present. As it says in the introductory page this is a work in progress, so we hope that as time goes by they will gradually be supplemented.

Any information about recent scholarly work on any aspect of the contents of the database would be welcome and should be emailed to a.samson@ucl.ac.uk.




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