Early Modern Spain
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There you will find two methods of search. Search-by-Word and Search-by-List. To use Search-by-Word, you enter into the box the first three letters of the Spanish word you wish to consult and click 'Search'. To use Search-by-List choose from the List the range within which your word should appear and click it . Both methods identify and open the page you require by relating your entry to the three sets of three-character headers on each page of the Dictionary. If the search does not open at the page you need (due to spelling idiosyncracies in the original sequence, overlap of the character-set between pages, spelling variations, etc.), the location will be approximately correct and you can move forward or back a page. Each page can be scrolled down or across if need be. For the sake of legibility, some pages are reproduced larger than others.
For the purposes of the electronic Minsheu, the choice of the 1599 copy at St Andrews University Library is appropriate. It represents the princeps. Furthermore, on the basis of copies of 1623 which have been consulted, there are no substantive differences in the body of text between the princeps and either the reissue or the edition of 1623. For further bibliographical information about language learning and dictionaries click below.