Early Modern Spain
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Discoveries - Publications
- Christopher Columbus. Journal of the First Voyage. Ed. Barry Ife and trans. Barry Ife. Warminster: Aris and Phillips, 1990.
- Letters from America: Columbus's First Accounts of the 1492 Voyage. Ed. Barry Ife and trans. Barry Ife. London: King's College London Humanities Plain Texts, 1992.
Journal articles
- Barry Ife. 'Breaking the News: Columbus's Letters of 1493.' Kentucky Romance Quarterly (1992).
- Barry Ife. 'Las dos cartas de Colón de 1493: Transmisión y público' . Edad de Oro 12 (1993): 131-39.
- Barry Ife. 'The Literary Impact of the New World: Columbus to Carrizales.' Journal of the Institute of Romance Studies 3 (1994-95): 65-85.
- Barry Ife. 'Old World Princes and New World Potentates:
Images of Kingship in the Discovery of America' . Journal of the Institute of Romance Studies 6 (1998): 131-50.
- Robert T. C. Goodwin. 'Es ist ein wunderlich Ding': New World miracles in the Old World. forthcoming 2004.
- Robert T. C. Goodwin 'De lo que sucedió a los demás que entraron en las Indias’: Alvar Núñez Cabeza de Vaca and the other survivors of Pánfilo Narváez’s
Bulletin of Spanish Studies (forthcoming).
Chapters in books/Articles in collections
- Barry Ife. '"Si no está mentirosa la letra": revisiting the text of the 1492 voyage.' Travelling Texts, forthcoming 2005.
- Robert T. C. Goodwin 'Texts and Miracles in the New World: Alvar Núñez Cabeza de Vaca.' Travelling Texts, forthcoming 2005.
- Barry Ife (with Robert T. C. Goodwin). 'Many Expert Narrators: History and Fiction in the Spanish Chronicles of the New World.' Remapping the Rise of the Novel in Europe.. Oxford: Voltaire Foundation, forthcoming 2005.
- Barry Ife 'Oviedo’s Historia general y moral de las Indias: the Centre Speaks from the Margin.' Rhetoric and Reality in Early Modern Spain. London: Tamesis, forthcoming 2006/7.
Papers and lectures
- Barry Ife. 'Las dos cartas de Colón de 1493: Transmisión y público.' Keynote Address. Edad de Oro Conference. Madrid, 1992.
- Barry Ife. 'The New World and the Literary Imagination.' Taylorian Special Lecture. Oxford, 1992.
- Barry Ife. 'The Literary Impact of the New World: Columbus to Carrizales.' Keynote address. Institute of Romance Studies, 1993.
- Barry Ife. 'Old World Princes and New World Potentates.' Institute of Romance Studies, 1997.
- Trudi Darby. 'The Reception of Cervantes in England.' . Spanish Embassy, 22 April 1997.
- Robert T. C. Goodwin. ' Columbus and the Cannibals.' Re-mapping the Rise of the European Novel Conference. Oxford. 2001.
- Robert T. C. Goodwin. 'Texts and Miracles in the New World.' Travelling Texts: Spain and Latin America, University of Stirling, September 2002.
- Barry Ife. 'Digitising the Conquest' , Digital Resources for the Humanities, Newcastle, September 2004.
- Alvar Núñez Cabeza De Vaca. Naufragios. Ed. Barry Ife.
- Hernán Cortés. Cartas de relación: Primera relación (Carta de Veracruz). Ed. Barry Ife.
- Hernán Cortés. Cartas de relación: Segunda relación. Ed. Barry Ife.
- Hernán Cortés. Cartas de relación: Tercera relación. Ed. Barry Ife.
- Hernán Cortés. Cartas de relación: Cuarta relación. Ed. Barry Ife.
- Hernán Cortés. Cartas de relación: Quinta relación. Ed. Barry Ife.
- Christopher Columbus. Diario of 1492. Ed. Barry Ife.
- Christopher Columbus. Diary. Ed. Barry Ife.
- Christopher Columbus. Carta a Santangel. Ed. Barry Ife.
- Christopher Columbus. Santangel letter. Ed. Barry Ife.
- Christopher Columbus. Carta a los Reyes. Ed. Barry Ife.
- Christopher Columbus. Monarchs letter. Ed. Barry Ife.
- Bartolomé de las Casas. Brevísima relación de la destrucción de las Indias. Ed. Barry Ife.
- Gonzalo Fernández de Oviedo y Valdés. Historia general y natural de las Indias: Part 1 (1535). Ed. Barry Ife.
- Gonzalo Fernández de Oviedo y Valdés. Historia general. Ed. Barry Ife.
Digital resources
- Andrés Dorantes. The información de méritos y servicios of Andrés Dorantes. Robert T. C. Goodwin, King's College London's Early Modern Spain website, 2005.
TV/radio programme
- Barry Ife. The Columbus Encounter. Programmes 1 and 2 (of 6). BBC World Service, August 1992.columbus
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