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Robert T. C. Goodwin
Robert T. C. Goodwin |
Position: Visiting Research Fellow, KCL
Dr. R. T. C. Goodwin is a Visiting Research Fellow in the Department of Spanish and Spanish American Studies at King’s College
London. His most recent research has focused on accounts of captivity written by Spaniards during the early modern period.
He has proposed that the bureaucracy involved in producing Cervantes’s Información de Argel was a catalyst to Cervantes developing his prose fiction and Don Quixote. He is currently working on Alvar Núñez Cabeza de Vaca’s Naufragios, an account of the first ‘European’ crossing of North America, during which a black African slave named Esteban and three
Spaniards were enslaved by Native Americans.
Earlier work has been brought together as Alimentos del humanismo (see Food and Culture project), which examines the representation of food in the art and literature of the Spanish Golden Age. That work offers
four important essays on Velázquez, Sánchez Cotán, Guzmán de Alfarache and Don Quixote within the framework of a social and cultural discussion that is, in itself, an essay on the all but forgotten idea of desengaño.