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Barry Ife - Publications
- Barry Ife. Dos versiones de Píramo y Tisbe: Fuentes para el estudio del romance 'La ciudad de Babilonia' de Góngora. Exeter: Exeter University Press, 1974.
- Barry Ife, ed. Francisco de Quevedo: La vida del Buscón llamado don Pablos. Oxford: Pergamon Press, 1977.
- Barry Ife (with Barbara Sachs). Anthology of Early Keyboard Methods. Cambridge: Gamut, 1981.
- Barry Ife (with Evelyn Fishburn). Language through Literature: Spanish Language-Teaching Materials for Use in the University of London. London: Birkbeck College, 1981.
- Barry Ife. Domenico Scarlatti, London: Novello, 1985.
- Barry Ife. Reading and Fiction in Golden-Age Spain. Cambridge: Cambridge University Press, 1985.
- Barry Ife (with Roy Truby). Early Spanish Keyboard Music. Oxford: Oxford University Press, 1986. 3 Vols.
- Barry Ife (with Roy Truby). Antonio Soler: Twelve Sonatas (The Madrid Conservatory Manuscript). Oxford: Oxford University Press, 1989.
- Christopher Columbus. Journal of the First Voyage. Ed. Barry Ife and trans. Barry Ife. Warminster: Aris and Phillips, 1990.
- Barry Ife. Lectura y ficción en la España del siglo de oro. Madrid: Cátedra, 1992.
- Letters from America: Columbus's First Accounts of the 1492 Voyage. Ed. Barry Ife and trans. Barry Ife. London: King's College London Humanities Plain Texts, 1992.
- Miguel de Cervantes. Exemplary Novels. Ed. Barry Ife and trans. Barry Ife.Warminster: Aris and Phillips, 1993.
- Barry Ife. Don Quixote's Diet. Bristol: University of Bristol Hispanic Studies, 2001.
Journal articles
- Barry Ife. 'Idealism and Materialism in Clarín's La regenta: Two Comparative Studies.' Revue de Littérature Comparée 44 (1970): 273-95.
- Barry Ife. 'Cervantes and the credibility crisis in Spanish Golden-Age fiction.' Renaissance and Modern Studies 26 (1982): 52-74.
- Barry Ife. 'Spanish in Higher Education: A University View.' National Council for Modern Languages Newsletter 3 (1985): 12-21.
- Barry Ife. 'Verhaal-archetypen in de biografie van Domenico Scarlatti.' Tirade 301 (1985): 84-101.
- Barry Ife. 'Alexander in the New World.' Renaissance and Modern Studies 30 (1986): 35-44.
- Barry Ife. 'The Real and its Effect in the Spanish Picaresque.' New Comparison 11 (1991):
- Barry Ife. 'Breaking the News: Columbus's Letters of 1493.' Kentucky Romance Quarterly (1992).
- Barry Ife. 'Las dos cartas de Colón de 1493: Transmisión y público' . Edad de Oro 12 (1993): 131-39.
- Barry Ife. 'Miguel and the Detectives: Crimes and their Detection in the Novelas Ejemplares.' Journal of Hispanic Research 2 (1993-94): 355-68.
- Barry Ife. 'The Literary Impact of the New World: Columbus to Carrizales.' Journal of the Institute of Romance Studies 3 (1994-95): 65-85.
- Barry Ife. 'Some Uses of Pastoral in Don Quijote' . Journal of the Institute of Romance Studies 4 (1996): 107-22.
- Barry Ife. 'Old World Princes and New World Potentates:
Images of Kingship in the Discovery of America' . Journal of the Institute of Romance Studies 6 (1998): 131-50.
- Barry Ife. 'Mad Cats and Knights Errant: Roberto de Nola and Don Quixote.' Journal of the Institute of Romance Studies 7 (1999): 49-54.
- Barry Ife. 'Air Travel in Cervantes' . Bulletin of Spanish Studies, LXXXI (2004), 475-86.
- Barry Ife. 'Spain and the Renaissance: Re-centring the Subject.' Bulletin of the Society for Renaissance Studies, XXII no 1 (October 2004), 1-7.
- Barry Ife. 'Cervantes, Herodotus and the Eternal Triangle: Another Look at the Sources of El curioso impertinente.' Bulletin of Hispanic Studies, forthcoming 2005.
- Barry Ife. 'From Novella to Novela: Cervantes and the Italian Short Story' . Journal of the Institute of Romance Studies (forthcoming).
Chapters in books/Articles in collections
- Barry Ife. 'Castigos y premios en La vida es sueño.' Hacia Calderón. Berlin, 1976. 32-46.
- Barry Ife. 'From Salamanca to Brighton Rock: Names and Places in Cervantes's La ilustre fregona.' Essays in Honour of Robert Brian Tate. Ed. R.A. Cardwell. Nottingham, 1984. 46-52.
- Barry Ife. 'La imprenta y la música instrumental del renacimiento español' . El libro antiguo español: Actas del primer coloquio internacional (Madrid 18 al 20 de diciembre de 1986). Salamanca: Ediciones de la Universidad, 1988. 225-36.
- Barry Ife (with J.W. Butt). 'The Literary Heritage.' The Hispanic World. Ed. J. H. Elliott. London: Thames and Hudson, 1991.
- Barry Ife (with J.W. Butt). 'El acervo literario.' El mundo hispánico. Ed. J.H. Elliott. Madrid: Crítica, 1991p. 203-216.
- Barry Ife. 'General Introduction.' Miguel de Cervantes: Exemplary Novels. Ed. Barry Ife. Warminster: novelas and Phillips, 1993.
- 'Prologue to the Reader.' Miguel de Cervantes: Exemplary Novels. Ed. Barry Ife and trans. Barry Ife. Warminster: Aris and Phillips, 1993.
- Barry Ife. 'La dieta de don Quijote.' El hispanismo anglonorteamericano: Aportaciones, problemas y perspectivas sobre Historia, Arte y Literatura expañolas (siglos
XVI-XVIII): Actas de la I Conferencia Internacional 'Hacia un Nuevo Humanismo' C.I.N.HU.. Córdoba: Publicaciones Obra Social y Cultural Cajasur, 2001. 1251-1267.
- Barry Ife. 'The Historical and Social Context.' The Cambridge Companion to Cervantes. Ed. Anthony Cascardi. Cambridge: Cambridge University Press, 2002. 11-31.
- Barry Ife. 'Dutton LB1 and the Sources of Garci Sánchez de Badajoz.' Studies in Spanish Poetry in Honour of Patrick Gallagher. Manchester: Manchester University Press, 2002.
- Barry Ife. 'The Printing of Keyboard Music in Renaissance Spain.' Music, Print and Culture in Renaissance Iberia Ed. Iain Fenlon and Tess Knighton. Kassel: Reichenberger, forthcoming 2005.
- Barry Ife. '"Si no está mentirosa la letra": revisiting the text of the 1492 voyage.' Travelling Texts, forthcoming 2005.
- Barry Ife. 'Cervantes’s Portuguese Lover.' ‘A primavera toda para ti.’ Homenagem a Helder Macedo. Lisbon: Presença 2004, 117-21.
- Barry Ife (with Robert T. C. Goodwin). 'Many Expert Narrators: History and Fiction in the Spanish Chronicles of the New World.' Remapping the Rise of the Novel in Europe.. Oxford: Voltaire Foundation, forthcoming 2005.
- Barry Ife. 'Pilgrims’ Progress: insinuaciones de la alegoría en el Persiles y Sigismunda de Cervantes' in Metamorfosis de la alegoría: Discurso y poder en la Península Ibérica desde la Edad Media hasta la Edad Contemporánea, forthcoming 2005.
- Barry Ife (with Trudi Darby). 'Remorse, Retribution and Redemption in La fuerza de la sangre: Spanish and English Perspectives.' A Critical Guide to the ‘Novelas ejemplares’. Ed. Stephen Boyd. Tamesis, forthcoming 2005.
- Barry Ife 'The Wound and the Bow: Cervantes, Philoctetes and the Pathology of Genius.' Rewriting Classical Mythology in the Hispanic Baroque. London: Tamesis, forthcoming 2005.
- Barry Ife 'Oviedo’s Historia general y moral de las Indias: the Centre Speaks from the Margin.' Rhetoric and Reality in Early Modern Spain. London: Tamesis, forthcoming 2006/7.
Papers and lectures
- Barry Ife. 'Las dos cartas de Colón de 1493: Transmisión y público.' Keynote Address. Edad de Oro Conference. Madrid, 1992.
- Barry Ife. 'The New World and the Literary Imagination.' Taylorian Special Lecture. Oxford, 1992.
- Barry Ife. 'The Literary Impact of the New World: Columbus to Carrizales.' Keynote address. Institute of Romance Studies, 1993.
- Barry Ife. 'The Keyboard Sonatas of Antonio Soler: Towards a Chronology and a Typology.' University of Wales College of Cardiff, International Conference on Music in Eighteenth-century Spain, 1994.
- Barry Ife. 'Music in Eighteenth-century Spain.' National Art Collections Fund, Society of Antiquaries, Burlington House, 1995.
- Barry Ife. Sir Henry Thomas Memorial Lecture. University of Birmingham, 1996.
- Barry Ife. 'The Origins of the Novel in Spain.' Introductory plenary. Association of Hispanists, 1997, and several other venues.
- Barry Ife. 'Old World Princes and New World Potentates.' Institute of Romance Studies, 1997.
- Barry Ife. 'Don Quixote's Diet.' International Conference in Córdoba, Spain and University of Bristol, 1998.
- Barry Ife. 'Mad Cats and Knights Errant: Roberto de Nola and Don Quixote.' Institute of Romance Studies, 1999.
- Barry Ife. 'The Keyboard
Sonatas of Antonio Soler.' 1st Diego Fernández Symposium on the Spanish Harpsichord, Almería, 2000.
- Barry Ife. 'Was the Novel a Spanish Invention?.' Canning House, 2002.
- Barry Ife. 'Cervantes, Herodotus and the Eternal Triangle: Another Look at the Sources of El curioso impertinente.' Association of Hispanists, Cork 2002.
- Barry Ife. The Ramsden-Gybbon Monypenny Commemorative Lecture. University of Manchester, 2002.
- Barry Ife. '"Golden Age" or "Early Modern"?' Current Perspectives in Golden-Age Studies: Text and Context, Gonville and Caius College, Cambridge, 29 November 2002.
- Barry Ife. 'The Reception of Spanish Books in Early Modern England' , Reception Studies Seminar, University of London, 3 February 2004.
- Barry Ife. 'Digitising the Conquest' , Digital Resources for the Humanities, Newcastle, September 2004.
Digital resources
- Corpus of Contemporary Spanish (5,250,000 word electronic database of contemporary Spanish language on CD-ROM). Ed. Barry Ife. London: King's College London, 1995.
- Barry Ife. 'Review of A.A. Parker, Los pícaros en la literatura: la novela picaresca en España y en Europa (1599-1753).' Modern Language Review 68 (1973): 671-72.
- Barry Ife. 'Review of Juan de Timoneda, El patrañuelo.' Bulletin of Hispanic Studies LI (1974): 284-85.
- Barry Ife. 'Review of A. Fernández de Avellaneda, Don Quijote de la Mancha.' Bulletin of Hispanic Studies LI (1974): 390-91.
- Barry Ife. 'Review of A. Fernández de Avellaneda, El ingenioso hidalgo Don Quijote de la Mancha.' Bulletin of Hispanic Studies LI (1974): 390-91.
- Barry Ife. 'Review of F. García Lorca, De Fray Luis a San Juan - la escondida senda.' Bulletin of Hispanic Studies LII (1975): 285-87.
- Barry Ife. 'Review of Alan C. Soons, Haz y envés del cuento risible en el Siglo de Oro.' Bulletin of Hispanic Studies LV (1978): 265-66.
- Barry Ife. 'Review of Harry Sieber, The Picaresque.' Bulletin of Hispanic Studies LV (1978): 265-66.
- Barry Ife. 'Review of J. Wesley Childers, Tales from Spanish Picaresque Novels.' Modern Language Review 74 (1979): 968.
- Barry Ife. 'Review of C. George Peale, La anatomía de ‘El diablo cojuelo’: Deslindes del género anatomístico.' Modern Language Review 75 (1980): 220-21.
- Barry Ife. 'Review of Diego Duque de Estrada, Octavas rimas.' Modern Language Review 77 (1982): 220.
- Barry Ife. 'Review of Dario Fernández-Morera, The Lyre and the Oaten Flute: Garcilaso and the Pastoral.' Modern Language Review 78 (1983): 943-44.
- Barry Ife. 'Review of William Ferguson, La versificación imitativa en Fernando de Herrera.' Modern Language Review 78 (1983): 734-35.
- Barry Ife. 'Review of Elias L. Rivers, Garcilaso de la Vega: Poems.' Modern Language Review 78 (1983): 943-44.
- Barry Ife. 'Review of Carroll B. Johnson, Inside ‘Guzmán de Alfarache’.' Bulletin of Hispanic Studies LXI (1984): 50-51.
- Barry Ife. 'Review of R.B. Tate, ed. Essays on Narrative Fiction in the Iberian Peninsula in Honour of Frank Pierce.' Modern Language Review 79 (1984): 211-12.
- Barry Ife. 'Review of Ana María Snell, Hacia el verbo: Signos y transignificación en la poesía de Quevedo.' Modern Language Review 79 (1984): 214-15.
- Barry Ife. 'Review of Howard Mancing, The Chivalric World of ‘Don Quijote’: Style, Structure and Narrative Technique.' Modern Language Review 79 (1984): 728-29.
- Barry Ife. 'Review of Marina Scordilis Brownlee, The Poetics of Literary Theory. Lope de Vega's ‘Novelas a Marcia Leonarda’ and their Cervantine Context.' Modern Language Review 79 (1984): 956-58.
- Barry Ife. 'Review of Monique Joly, La Bourle et son interprétation. (Espagne, 16/17 Siècles).' Modern Language Review 79 (1984): 956-58.
- Barry Ife. 'Review of James Iffland, ed. Quevedo in Perspective.' Bulletin of Hispanic Studies LXII (1985): 202.
- Barry Ife. 'Review of Bruno Mario Damiani, Montemayor's ‘Diana’, Music and the Visual Arts.' Bulletin of Hispanic Studies LXII (1985): 391-92.
- Barry Ife. 'Review of Anthony Pagden, The Fall of Natural Man: The American Indian and the Origins of Comparative Ethnology.' Modern Language Review 80 (1985): 961-92.
- Barry Ife. 'Review of Pedro Calderón de la Barca, trans. Kenneth Muir and Ann L. Mackenzie, Three Comedies.' Times Higher Education Supplement 699 (March 28, 1986): 19.
- Barry Ife. 'Review of John G. Weiger, The Substance of Cervantes.' Times Higher Education Supplement 719 (August 15, 1986): 14.
- Barry Ife. 'Review of Julián Olivares, The Love Poetry of Francisco de Quevedo: An Aesthetic and Existential Study.' Modern Language Review 81 (1986): 513-16.
- Barry Ife. 'Review of K. Khalaili and B. Marina, English Phrasal Verbs in Spanish.' Bulletin of Hispanic Studies LXIII (1986): 385.
- Barry Ife. 'Review of Osvaldo Rodríguez Pérez, La novela picaresca como transformación textual.' Bulletin of Hispanic Studies LXIII (1986): 386-87.
- Barry Ife. 'Review of Anthony Pagden, ed. Hernán Cortés: Letters from Mexico.' Times Higher Education Supplement 745 (February 13, 1987): 19.
- Barry Ife. 'Review of Bulletin of Hispanic Studies, ed. Dorothy Sherman Severin.' Times Higher Education Supplement 762 (June 12, 1987): 32.
- Barry Ife. 'Review of A.A. Parker, The Philosophy of Love in Spanish Literature 1480-1680.' Modern Language Review 83 (1988): 479-80.
- Barry Ife. 'Review of Margarita Zamora, Language, Authority and Indigenous History in the ‘Comentarios reales de los Incas’' . Journal of Latin-American Studies 21.1 (1989): 184-85.
- Barry Ife. 'Review of Lope de Vega, 'Madness in Valencia' (Gate Theatre).' Times Literary Supplement (January 1, 1993).
- Barry Ife. 'Review of Els Joglars, 'Yo tengo un tío en América' (Riverside Studios).' Times Literary Supplement (January 29, 1993): 18.
- Barry Ife. 'Review of Federico García Lorca, 'Blood Wedding' (Lyric Hammersmith).' Times Literary Supplement (April 9, 1993): 18.
- Barry Ife. 'Review of Ramón del Valle-Inclán, 'Bohemian Lights' (Gate Theatre).' Times Literary Supplement (October 8, 1993): 24.
- Barry Ife. 'Review of Mario Vargas Llosa, 'The Madman of the Balconies' (Gate Theatre).' Times Literary Supplement (November 12, 1993): 21.
- Barry Ife. 'Review of Fernando de Rojas, 'Celestina' (Lyric Studio, Hammersmith).' Times Literary Supplement (December 17, 1993): 18.
- Barry Ife. 'Review of Maurice Esses, Dance and Instrumental Diferencias in Spain during the 17th and early 18th Centuries.' Dance Research XII (1994): 90-93.
- Barry Ife. 'Review of Pedro Calderón de la Barca, 'The Painter of Dishonour' (The Other Place, Stratford-upon-Avon).' Times Literary Supplement (August 11, 1995): 16-17.
- Barry Ife. 'Review of Pedro Calderón de la Barca, 'The Painter of Dishonour', a new version by David Johnston and Laurence Boswell.' Times Literary Supplement (August 11, 1995): 16-17.
- Barry Ife. ' 'Review of Tirso de Molina, ‘Don Juan’ (BAC Theatre).' ' Times Literary Supplement (August 11, 1995): 16-17.
- Barry Ife. 'Review of Ramón del Valle Inclán, ‘Silverface’ (Gate Theatre).' Times Literary Supplement, (November 17, 1995): 24.
- Barry Ife. 'Review of Nick Ward/Giovanni Boccaccio, ‘The Decameron’ (Gate Theatre).' Times Literary Supplement (August 9, 1996): 20.
- Barry Ife. 'Review of Lope de Vega, ‘The Jewess of Toledo’ (Bridewell).' Times Literary Supplement (February 21, 1997): 19.
- Barry Ife. 'Review of Federico García Lorca, ‘Doña Rosita the Spinster’ (Almeida Theatre).' Times Literary Supplement (May 1997).
- Barry Ife. 'Review of Ian Gibson, The Shameful Life of Salvador Dalí.' The Guardian (October 23, 1997): 12-13.
- Barry Ife. 'Review of Federico García Lorca, trans. John Edmunds, Four Major Plays.' Times Literary Supplement (October 24, 1997): 23.
- Barry Ife. 'Review of Pedro Almodóvar, Live Flesh.' Times Literary Supplement (August 7, 1998): 19.
- Barry Ife. 'Review of Barry Jordan and Rikki Morgan-Tamosunas, Contemporary Spanish Cinema.' Times Literary Supplement (August 7, 1998): 19.
- Barry Ife. 'Review of Anthony J. Cascardi, Ideologies of History in the Spanish Golden Age.' Times Literary Supplement, (August 21, 1998): 11.
- Barry Ife. 'Review of Benito Pérez Galdós, trans. Abigail Lee-Six, Tormento.' Times Literary Supplement (August 28, 1998): 24.
- Barry Ife. 'Review of Miguel de Cervantes Saavedra, ed. Francisco Rico, Don Quijote de la Mancha.' Times Literary Supplement (October 9, 1998): 15.
- Barry Ife. 'Review of Miguel de Cervantes Saavedra, ‘El Quijote’ (Gate Theatre).' Times Literary Supplement (March 19, 1999): 19.
- Barry Ife. 'Review of Agueda Pedrero Encabo, La sonata para teclado: su configuración en España.' Music and Letters 80 (February 1999): 122.
- Barry Ife. 'Review of Marsha Kinder, Luis Buñuel’s ‘The Discreet Charm of the Bourgeoisie’.' Times Literary Supplement (June 18, 1999): 36.
- Barry Ife. 'Review of Pedro Almodóvar, All About My Mother.' Times Literary Supplement (September 10, 1999): 19.
- Barry Ife. 'Review of Mark Kurlansky, The Basque History of the World.' Times Literary Supplement (December 10, 1999): 9.
- Barry Ife. 'Review of Arthur Terry, ed. Tirant lo Blanc. New Approaches.' Times Literary Supplement (April 14, 2000): 33.
- Barry Ife. 'Review of Peter William Evans, ed. Spanish Film. The Auteurist Tradition.' Times Literary Supplement (July, 21 2000): 20.
- Barry Ife. 'Review of Luis Buñuel, An Unspeakable Betrayal.' Times Literary Supplement (October 20, 2000): 20.
- Barry Ife. 'Review of Javier Reverte, Dios, el diablo y la aventura.' Times Literary Supplement (12 October 2001): 31.
- Barry Ife. 'Review of Federico García Lorca, ‘Mariana Pineda’ (Gate Theatre).' Times Literary Supplement (October 11, 2002): 19.
- Barry Ife. 'Review of Gordon Brotherston, Book of the Fourth World. Reading the Native Americas through their Literature.' Bulletin of Latin American Research (forthcoming).
TV/radio programme
- Barry Ife. 'Review of Kirkpatrick Sale, The Conquest of Paradise' BBC Radio 4, Kaleidoscope (February 5, 1991).
- Barry Ife. 'Review of Phillips and Phillips, The Worlds of Christopher Columbus' BBC Radio 4, Kaleidoscope (March 10, 1992).
- Barry Ife. Interview on quincentenary of Columbus’s first voyage, LBC Radio (August 3, 1992).
- Barry Ife. The Columbus Encounter. Programmes 1 and 2 (of 6). BBC World Service, August 1992.columbus
- Barry Ife. Excerpt from Don Quixote - 400 years on the road. CBC. April 2003.
- Barry Ife. Private Reading and its Consequences for the Development of Spanish Golden-Age Prose Fiction. Thesis Approved for the Award of the Degree of PhD. London, 1984.