Summary | Contributors | Etexts | Publications
Cervantes - Publications
Journal articles
Chapters in books/Articles in collections
- Barry Ife. 'From Salamanca to Brighton Rock: Names and Places in Cervantes's La ilustre fregona.' Essays in Honour of Robert Brian Tate. Ed. R.A. Cardwell. Nottingham, 1984. 46-52.
- Barry Ife. 'General Introduction.' Miguel de Cervantes: Exemplary Novels. Ed. Barry Ife. Warminster: novelas and Phillips, 1993.
- 'Prologue to the Reader.' Miguel de Cervantes: Exemplary Novels. Ed. Barry Ife and trans. Barry Ife. Warminster: Aris and Phillips, 1993.
- Barry Ife. 'La dieta de don Quijote.' El hispanismo anglonorteamericano: Aportaciones, problemas y perspectivas sobre Historia, Arte y Literatura expañolas (siglos
XVI-XVIII): Actas de la I Conferencia Internacional 'Hacia un Nuevo Humanismo' C.I.N.HU.. Córdoba: Publicaciones Obra Social y Cultural Cajasur, 2001. 1251-1267.
- Barry Ife. 'The Historical and Social Context.' The Cambridge Companion to Cervantes. Ed. Anthony Cascardi. Cambridge: Cambridge University Press, 2002. 11-31.
- Barry Ife. 'Cervantes’s Portuguese Lover.' ‘A primavera toda para ti.’ Homenagem a Helder Macedo. Lisbon: Presença 2004, 117-21.
- Barry Ife. 'Pilgrims’ Progress: insinuaciones de la alegoría en el Persiles y Sigismunda de Cervantes' in Metamorfosis de la alegoría: Discurso y poder en la Península Ibérica desde la Edad Media hasta la Edad Contemporánea, forthcoming 2005.
- Barry Ife (with Trudi Darby). 'Remorse, Retribution and Redemption in La fuerza de la sangre: Spanish and English Perspectives.' A Critical Guide to the ‘Novelas ejemplares’. Ed. Stephen Boyd. Tamesis, forthcoming 2005.
- Barry Ife 'The Wound and the Bow: Cervantes, Philoctetes and the Pathology of Genius.' Rewriting Classical Mythology in the Hispanic Baroque. London: Tamesis, forthcoming 2005.
Papers and lectures
- Barry Ife. 'The Literary Impact of the New World: Columbus to Carrizales.' Keynote address. Institute of Romance Studies, 1993.
- Trudi Darby. 'The reception of Persiles y Sigismunda in Jacobean London.' Association of Hispanists of Great Britain and Ireland, Aberdeen Conference, 10-13 April 1995.
- Trudi Darby. 'The Reception of Cervantes in England.' . Spanish Embassy, 22 April 1997.
- Barry Ife. 'Don Quixote's Diet.' International Conference in Córdoba, Spain and University of Bristol, 1998.
- Barry Ife. 'Mad Cats and Knights Errant: Roberto de Nola and Don Quixote.' Institute of Romance Studies, 1999.
- Trudi Darby. 'A Northern Mystery: The 1619 Translation into English of Persiles y Sigismunda.' Colloquium on the History of the Spanish Book, King’s College London, 8 November 2000.
- Trudi Darby. 'From Rodolfo to Roderigo: An English interpretation of La fuerza de la sangre.' University College Cork, 6-7 April 2001.
- Trudi Darby. 'Translation and Transculturation: The 1619 English translation of Persiles y Sigismunda.' Remapping the Rise of the European Novel: 1500-1800, Oxford, 8-11 September 2001.
- Trudi Darby. 'Fiction and History: Persiles y Sigismunda in English, 1619.' Golden-Age and Renaissance Seminar, University College London, 13 December 2001.
- Barry Ife. 'Cervantes, Herodotus and the Eternal Triangle: Another Look at the Sources of El curioso impertinente.' Association of Hispanists, Cork 2002.
- Barry Ife. The Ramsden-Gybbon Monypenny Commemorative Lecture. University of Manchester, 2002.
TV/radio programme