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The Origins of the Novel - Publications


Journal articles

Chapters in books/Articles in collections

Papers and lectures

  • Barry Ife. 'Las dos cartas de Colón de 1493: Transmisión y público.' Keynote Address. Edad de Oro Conference. Madrid, 1992.
  • Barry Ife. 'The New World and the Literary Imagination.' Taylorian Special Lecture. Oxford, 1992.
  • Barry Ife. 'The Literary Impact of the New World: Columbus to Carrizales.' Keynote address. Institute of Romance Studies, 1993.
  • Barry Ife. Sir Henry Thomas Memorial Lecture. University of Birmingham, 1996.
  • Barry Ife. 'The Origins of the Novel in Spain.' Introductory plenary. Association of Hispanists, 1997, and several other venues.
  • Barry Ife. 'Old World Princes and New World Potentates.' Institute of Romance Studies, 1997.
  • Barry Ife. 'Was the Novel a Spanish Invention?.' Canning House, 2002.
  • Barry Ife. The Ramsden-Gybbon Monypenny Commemorative Lecture. University of Manchester, 2002.
  • Barry Ife. '"Golden Age" or "Early Modern"?' Current Perspectives in Golden-Age Studies: Text and Context, Gonville and Caius College, Cambridge, 29 November 2002.
  • Barry Ife. 'The Reception of Spanish Books in Early Modern England' , Reception Studies Seminar, University of London, 3 February 2004.



  • Barry Ife. Private Reading and its Consequences for the Development of Spanish Golden-Age Prose Fiction. Thesis Approved for the Award of the Degree of PhD. London, 1984.
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