Dedication Transcription: |
| TO THE PRINCE. | SIR, | This rare Inuention, this Mai∫ter- | peece of curious Scholler∫hip, |
Being therefore, in Dupli- | citie, prai∫ed for v∫efulne∫∫e, admired for indu∫trie; In | this now Quadruplicitie, it comes to your Right Ex- | cellent HIGHNESSE, in mo∫t lowly, humble, ∫ubmi∫- | ∫iue maner, on this au∫picious New-yeares day pre- | ∫ented, by Him
| Your Highne∫∫es | mo∫t humblest | Ob∫eruant | I. B. P. |
Notes on Dedication/Dedicatee: |
Dedicatee: |
Title: Prince. |
2nd Dedicatee: |
Preliminary Material Sequence: |
Sig. A3 - Dedication. Sig. A4 - 'To the English Reader, studious of the best languages'. Sig. A4v - B1r - The Proem in four languages. Sig. B1 v - The Index of the Centuries. Sig. B2 r - "INCIPIVNT CENTVRIAE."
Preliminary Material Notes: |
In the letter to the English reader, the I. B. P. of the dedication writes: "Finding (euen to the benefite of my owne particular liuing) this thy Noble Nation so worthily addicted to the learning of forreine languages, (then which I suppose a more vertuous, delightfull and commendable qualitie cannot be exercised of men) I thought at once to shew my gratefulnesse to it, and to ease thy priuate labour, translating this Ianua Linguarum (alreadie in three languages) into French to make up the Messe: it being a worke of so speciall a furtherance for this same purpose. For whereas hitherto, there is not any booke extant in our and the English tongue together, worthy estimation or thy acceptance; here is in elegant sentences contained in one volume (and but of small bulke neither) all necessarie words of the whole French language". This section is signed 'Io. Barbier Parisiensis'.